07:00 - 19:00 / Sun: 09:00 - 17:00 / Urgency 24/24 - 7/7

The company

Cleaning company Valais

Cleaning company Valais

Cleaning company Valais
FM Romandie Cleaning

Notre Entreprise
de nettoyage

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The company

After over 7 years of outsourcing in the field of cleaning and private industry, we have decided to offer our own services. It is during 2019 that we have crossed the mark by creating our family business FM Romandie Cleaning, based in Aigle (VD). Since 2023, we also have a subsidiary in Clarens (VD). Our extensive knowledge of products as well as our mastery of a wide range of cleaning machines enable us to meet the needs of all of our new customers.

Whether you are a regulated real estate, an architect, a business or a private one, we know how to adapt to your different demands and strive to provide you with a professional service, serious and measurement. Our employees move in any French-speaking Switzerland.

Choisir FM Romandie Cleaning c’est opter pour un partenaire de confiance ! Nous accordons beaucoup d’importance à respecter nos engagements et vous garantir une totale satisfaction. Les 3 mots d’ordre sont PROXIMITÉ – QUALITÉ – ADAPTATION.

N’hésitez pas à remplir le formulaire en ligne pour obtenir un devis GRATUIT ou nous contacter pour toutes autres demandes. Nous nous ferons un plaisir d’y répondre.

After over 7 years of outsourcing in the field of cleaning and private industry, we have decided to offer our own services. It is during 2019 that we have crossed the mark by creating our family business FM Romandie Cleaning, based in Aigle (VD). Since 2023, we also have a subsidiary in Clarens (VD). Our extensive knowledge of products as well as our mastery of a wide range of cleaning machines enable us to meet the needs of all of our new customers.

Whether you are a regulated real estate, an architect, a business or a private one, we know how to adapt to your different demands and strive to provide you with a professional service, serious and measurement. Our employees move in any French-speaking Switzerland.

Choisir FM Romandie Cleaning c’est opter pour un partenaire de confiance ! Nous accordons beaucoup d’importance à respecter nos engagements et vous garantir une totale satisfaction. Les 3 mots d’ordre sont PROXIMITÉ – QUALITÉ – ADAPTATION.

N’hésitez pas à remplir le formulaire en ligne pour obtenir un devis GRATUIT ou nous contacter pour toutes autres demandes. Nous nous ferons un plaisir d’y répondre.

Nous travaillons avec les meilleurs partenaires.

Une seule entreprise ne peut réussir seule. Nous avons besoins de plusieurs partenaires qui nous aident dans nos tâches au quotidien. Nous sommes une entreprise flexible conviviale qui s’adapte à toute situation.


We look forward to working with you !
FM Romandie Cleaning is a reliable and durable company. Don't hesitate to consult our opinion on the internet !

Cleaning company Valais