Maybe have you ever visited a Web page or a document using this type of write-without, however, to be paid special attention. Is a placeholder text used in graphic design. This language dummy gathers together all the letters of the alphabet in a short paragraph. The distribution of the characters is fair for the attention of the reader to be on the graphics aspect of the document, and not on the textual content. Several software and page layout applications have made their "fake text" by default. The lorem ipsum also enables you to confirm that it is not a final version of a document and avoid potential printing errors.
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Would be drawn from the work of Latin of Cicero, and malorumdating from 45 bc J.-C. typographers and printers use passages of this title since the Sixteenth century to test their layouts. Several words and changes have been added to the sons of the centuries, and it is for this reason that we no longer consider the latin, though it looks great.
Derives its name from the Latin phrase Neque porro quisquam is that dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet. It would mean : "there is no one who loves pain itself, who research and wants it to be, simply because it is pain ".
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Some versions of Microsoft Word, you also offer this possibility thanks to its function. You only have to type in your texteur and you will get this paragraph :